Wednesday 21 November 2012

Dear Singapore

Dear Readers

Today's post is mainly directed to my life. In attention to mostly Singaporean or practically anyone at all, to those who can do a small part to share this around, may God bless you in countless of ways.

"Great acts are made up of small deeds." - Lao Tzu

This year I turned 21 and despite how many average young adults in Singapore may at least be enjoying even a small part of their life for at least once during any one of their 4 days off in a month, I just wished that I could. While others weep about recession, financial difficulties, family issues or heavy workload, I, however, am weeping about my IC.

Yes, as pathetic and confusing it might be for some, the few who knew me well can only understand the hell that I've been through in the years of my life even till now. To think that I initially thought my worries are over since the last issue I had with MCYS, I'm picturing myself slapping my forehead every single day and saying " What the heck?!".

Imagine this, being born legally in this wonderful country that only have you worrying about how much expenses you're supposed to be prepared to spend every month and practically nothing else; PLUS worrying how you're supposed to go to the doctor, PLUS how you're supposed to open a bank account when you're prepared to start saving, PLUS where you're supposed to reside IF you have to move out from the place you're staying in, with the fact that you're currently renting a space together with a friend, PLUS how you're gonna open a phone line, PLUS how you're gonna explain to the police in case you got randomly  screened (in Singapore our police does a patrol like EVERYDAY for security screenings randomly), PLUS how you're supposed to sign up for an extra-curricular class to upgrade yourself, PLUS not being able to register for marriage (not that I'm planning yet), PLUS not being able to go overseas, and many other pluses imaginable, depending on your ability to think of the many more impossibilities that can happen; all because one is without an IC.

And that, is in summary of what I have to worry about. EVERYDAY.

To those of you whom are familiar with the Singapore law, good for you. To those who aren't, this is the utmost important one; Every Singaporean has to have an IC (or ID, whichever you call it) by the age of 15. And right now, I'm 21 and without anything else but my birth certificate which I manage to salvage from my 2nd stepdad's place after my mother left him. Yes, I have a very responsible mother, thank you. *sarcasm*

I was supposed to register for one when I was 15 but apparently I was running away from my abusive mother back then so I missed the chance. And believe me, many stories await the dramatic sequence to this issue. In case any of you are interested to know the further details, let me know. Be sure to have some time set aside cos it's a LONG story.

Anyway, I've tried registering with ICA (Immigration and Checkpoint Authority) on my own as my dad's whereabouts are unknown and my mother have migrated to Malaysia with my THIRD stepdad together with their new son and refuse to get involved with anything related to her only daughter without any bribery, even if it means simply fulfilling her responsibilities as a mother.

Well, my pleas were rejected as they claim that first registration for Identification Cards requires your parents' presence. Well well well. That's only a start.

So, they put my case under one of the officers who mentioned to me that it might take 1-3 months to put up a plea with the higher management to allow me to register for mine, which of course, only after 3 months, was REJECTED.

Now they're telling me that my case has been transferred to Clementi Police Division for FURTHER investigation and that, they say, will take up an estimated time of 3 months and even when it's approved, will then be referred back to ICA and it will take ABOUT 1 MONTH to process even further.

If I were a ball, I'd have long exploded from the rebound of being continuously thrown from one side to the other. My close friend even joked about the sequence as to how many times I'm gonna be thrown from one department to the other before my ID registration is going to be FINALLY approved.

You know, the most frustrating part of life is when you're left in the dark. When I asked ICA as to how I am to know of the progress, they told me to contact the police division and when I did, the PD told me that I had to tell them the specific officer so that they can transfer me to him/her. When its back to ICA, they said they have NO IDEA. Really people...

So there I was, emailing PM LHL. When no response, I emailed K.S. and the rest who may somehow help me with the issue. All I know is that its maddening, to think that the irresponsible acts of a single person can actually create such a HUGE inconvenience. Really hope to hear from one of the ministers soon. *sigh*

Oh well. Guess some things are just worth getting worked up about. Till next time, take care darls.

"Courage isn't having the strength to go on - it is going on when you don't have strength." - Napoleon Bonaparte

Choco Ame 

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